

2024-11-15T13:36:58+07:00Jumat, 15 November 2024|

Hello, Students! The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Psychology, Esa Unggul Indonesia University, is holding the PSYCHOPOSTERO 2024 activity. PSYCHOPOSTERO is an international competition event that is part of the work program of the student resource development division and is an activity that aims to channel the creativity of students who carry this year's theme, namely "Your Passion is Your Creativity." In this PSYCHOPOSTERO, the competitions held include poster, essay, and scientific papers competitions with three themes that you can choose from: * How to Take Care of Yourself * Spread Your Wings and Fly to the Dream * [...]


2023-11-14T13:29:54+07:00Selasa, 14 November 2023|

💜 KULIAH UMUM PSIKOLOGI 2023 💜 HALO SOBAT PSIKOLOGI Kami dari Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Esa Unggul akan mengadakan KULIAH UMUM PSIKOLOGI 2023 dengan tema "PERAN PSIKOLOGI DALAM KEHIDUPAN" Tenang guys, acara ini FREE dan dapat E-SERTIFIKAT 🎉🎉 Timeline acara : 🗓️ Selasa, 14 November 2023 ⏰ 09.00 - 12.00 WIB 💻 Online via Zoom Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/97960314270?pwd=c2t6TEtlT2pmc0J2cDBpS3BsQlBiUT09 Meeting ID: 979 6031 4270 Passcode: 197304 📩 Link Pendaftaran : https://bit.ly/46mWy8P Narasumber : 🗣️ Anrilia E.M. Ningdyah, Ph.D., Psikolog Moderator : 🗣️ Rully Afrita Harlianty, S.Psi., M.A Master of Ceremony : 🗣️ Syah Adam SELAMAT BERTEMU DAN BELAJAR BERSAMA, TEMAN-TEMAN PSIKOLOGI!! 🥳 [...]

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